New Beginnings! Arts Festival

Welcome to the Branksome Arts domain, where creative work from Grades 7 to 12 students is curated, celebrated, and promoted. We hope that you will join us in person at New Beginnings! on May 30, 31, and June 1 to celebrate the joy of community, coming together, rebirth, and creativity.

We are very happy to have the opportunity to celebrate the Arts at Branksome. This year we will be hosting a festival style event over three evenings. You will be able to watch and participate in all the arts that students explore at the school; dance, film, music, theatre, and visual arts, as well as design.

See below for our events and browse through the pages to engage in programs for each of our events taking part on the evenings of May 30, 31, and June 1.

New Beginnings poster (final).pdf
New Beginnings! Arts Festival Schedule